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Should You Get Divorced?

Should You Get Divorced?

By Pigott Law Group
Posted on 9-25-2023

Deciding to file for divorce is a deeply personal and often challenging decision. It's essential to consider all factors carefully and seek professional advice when necessary. While the reasons for divorce can vary widely from one couple to another, here are some signs that may indicate that divorce might be worth contemplating.

Constant Conflict

Frequent, unresolved arguments and conflicts that significantly affect the quality of the relationship can be a sign that the marriage is in trouble. If attempts to communicate and resolve issues have consistently failed, divorce may offer some peace.

Lack of Communication

Communication breakdowns, including stonewalling (refusing to engage in conversations) or avoiding discussions of important topics, can signal a deteriorating marriage. If one or both parties are not open to communicating and resolving issues, staying in the relationship might not be the best option.

Emotional Distance

A growing emotional distance between spouses can be a significant red flag. When couples no longer feel emotionally connected, it can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.


The discovery of infidelity, whether emotional or physical, often shakes the foundation of trust within a marriage. It can be a triggering event that prompts thoughts of divorce if the innocent partner feels that the trust cannot be rebuilt.

Unresolved Issues

Lingering issues such as substance abuse, financial irresponsibility, or abusive behavior that are not addressed or improved can lead one partner to consider divorce as a way to protect themselves and their well-being.

Lack of Intimacy

In addition to the existence of emotional distance, a significant decrease in physical intimacy can signal a loss of emotional connection and can lead to feelings of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in the marriage.

Repeated Breakups and Reconciliations

If a couple has gone through cycles of breaking up and reconciling multiple times, it may indicate that the underlying issues have not been resolved and that divorce might be worth considering.

Emotional or Physical Abuse

In cases of emotional or physical abuse, the safety and well-being of one partner may be at risk, prompting the abused partner to consider divorce as a way to escape the harmful situation.

It's important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean divorce is the only solution. Many couples seek marriage counseling or therapy to address their issues and work toward reconciliation. Others may choose to separate temporarily before making a final decision about divorce.

Ultimately, the decision to file for divorce is highly personal and should be made after careful consideration, often with the guidance of legal and mental health professionals. Couples facing these challenges may benefit from open and honest communication and exploring all available options before making a final decision. If, however, you decide to follow through with the dissolution of a marriage, our compassionate team at the Pigott Law Group is ready to assist you through the process from beginning to end.